'Lovely Princess'에 해당되는 글 409건

  1. 2008.03.01 [日本/大阪] 1st day : Osaka again
  2. 2008.02.28 dream together! 6
  3. 2008.02.25 for lunch 2
  4. 2008.02.24 sweet 6
  5. 2008.02.18 pizza 15
  6. 2008.02.17 comfy! 6
  7. 2008.02.16 taco 4
  8. 2008.02.14 :D 8
  9. 2008.02.14 freezing 4
  10. 2008.02.10 full 8
My 3rd Osaka Trip!
at the airport :D

南海電車 空港線 Rapiːt β to Namba!
Play with my Roaming phone. :P
내폰이 일본로밍이 안되서 갈때마다 폰을 두개씩 들고다녀야 한다.
심심해서 셀카놀이.ㅋㅋ

- つづく-
Somewhere/in Japan l 2008. 3. 1. 22:00

I want be happy together !  :D
Happy Days! l 2008. 2. 28. 14:25

trying to eat more Korean food.
no more pizza and burger!! :D
R U Hungry?/Yummy! l 2008. 2. 25. 22:29

I got my Christmas gift from my friend last week. @_@
and some from my students.
언제 다. 먹. 지 ?
Happy Days! l 2008. 2. 24. 16:09

I wanted to eat pizza for lunch...
but when I finished baking, it became my dinner! OTL
Anyway, this time I made too much again!  XD
R U Hungry?/Cook+Recipe l 2008. 2. 18. 19:17

My room is very comfy with rugs!
Got up around noon.
I met someone whom I love in my dream last night so I didn't want to wake up.

Sunny & Happy Sunday!!
Happy Days! l 2008. 2. 17. 13:22

Ohhh. I am hungry again! :P
delicious taco and talk. talk. talk. :D

R U Hungry?/Yummy! l 2008. 2. 16. 23:47


아직도 여드름 나는 내 피부.-_ㅠ
그러면서 눈가 주름도 신경쓰이고...
점점 비싼 화장품을 써 줘야 할 나이가 온거야. OTL
mink Style-+ l 2008. 2. 14. 19:57

wanna wear skirts but it's still freezing!  :(
mink Style-+ l 2008. 2. 14. 00:34

I had too much today... I need to start working out.
たいへん... OTL
R U Hungry?/Yummy! l 2008. 2. 10. 23:57
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최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글

최근에 받은 트랙백


분류 전체보기 (559)
Happy Days! (187)
twinkle whisper (22)
mink Style-+ (63)
Simple & Minimal (107)
mink Loves (55)
R U Hungry? (68)
Somewhere (54)


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